
Clutter Control

I'm pretty upset that nobody told me the truth about what happens after you have a baby. Here it is .... YOUR HOUSE WILL NEVER BE CLEAN AGAIN!!!

I have no idea how it happens but it is impossible for the mess to disappear... any free space you may have had before giving birth is now filled with things that belong to the little creature. Toys, Shoes, Rattles, Blankets, Bibs, Socks, you name it.... it's all on my floor right now. AAAARRRGGG!

I pick the above mentioned items up and put them in the laundry - thinking they will stay there. NOPE. The next time I look down, another item has claimed the free spot. It's amazing how this works. I looked at how long it's been since I've posted something (August) and almost felt bad... then I remembered I no longer have time to write about stuff because I'm always picking up my house. Insanity is setting in.

PS- that's not a picture of my kitchen... but sometimes I feel like that is what it looks like. eeeek